We appreciate your interest in our Veterans Build Program. You can help us provide volunteer and homeownership opportunities to U.S. Veterans, military service members, and their families.
Facts about veterans
The National Low Income Housing Coalition finds that 2.5 million veterans heading households are at least 55 years of age. Of those 2.5 million veterans, 24% have housing cost burdens. Unlike our older civilians, our older veterans are more likely to have a disability – 35% versus 28% – which may require home modifications, health, and other supportive services as they age. Joplin Area Habitat for Humanity is proud to build new homes and make critical home repairs for veterans and their families.
- About 1.5 million veterans are considered at-risk of homelessness. At risk is defined as being below the poverty level and paying more than 50% of household income on rent. It also includes households with a member who has a disability, a person living alone, and those who are not in the labor force.
- Nearly half a million (467,877) veterans are severely rent burdened and paying more than 50% of their income for rent. More than half (55%) of veterans with severe housing cost burden fell below the poverty level and 43% receive food stamps.
- Research shows that the greatest risk factors for homelessness are lack of support and social isolation after discharge. Veterans have low marriage rates and high divorce rates; and, currently, 1 in 5 veterans is living alone. Social networks are particularly important for those who have a crisis or need temporary help.

Please watch this video on a very special home construction:
2024 Veteran Build

Janene grew up in Southwest Missouri, but decided to leave to join the Navy. She served for four years and was awarded the National Defense Service Medal, the Navy “E” Ribbon, and the GWOT Service Medal.
She and her husband (also Navy) were stationed in Virginia, but it became too expensive for Janene to stay there after their divorce. Family in Missouri persuaded her to move back, so she and her three children moved back here two years ago. Unfortunately, rental prices had skyrocketed, so it has been hard to make ends meet with a $1200/month rent payment for an older home in need of lots of repair work.
The local VA office told her about our homeownership program and encouraged her to apply. She has been approved by our Board, and we have located a beautiful lot in Webb City to build a safe, energy efficient, affordable new home for Janene and her family!